Book Binding and Zines

As I begin my project for the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery I have been experimenting with many projects to use with the young people involved.

As any artist knows, it is important to record, experiment and learn when developing a project. I guess thats why I always place so much importance on a visual diary when teaching.

I have been a little obsessed with hand made books for a while and it has been re-triggered by the recent involvement in making a Zine for another project

I love the many ways of binding a book, the way you can make so many little books from one A4 sheet of paper, the recycling of magazines and other thown away items to make something really individual. The binding, the folding and the stitching is so soothing.

I have made so many little books as experiments and I will use them as examples of end results for future projects.

I feel like I wont invest in commercial visual diaries anymore. I feel like the attachment to arts work begins with an individual record of results. I hope my TMAG young people agree.
