Zine - We Mind, Be Kind

Recently I have been working for The Smith Family and the Wynyard School Community Partnerships program on an anti bullying campaign We Mind - Be Kind.

My role was to bring together a Zine from the young peoples work. I love Zines. I feel like I am introducing an entirely new concept to their eager minds. An act of revolutionary self publishing. I have also been making loads of little handmade books, but more on that later.

My personal program consisted of 5 after school sessions, one full day forum in house at a local school, an exhibition to organise at ArtsCape and the final Zine to put together over many days and nights. It was quite a job.

I taught the youngsters how to make the basic A4 folded zine and then we used the same fold on a huge sheet of paper. These became the main working Zines and scanned images from these contributed to the final copy. On the forum day I had the kids writing words on sticky notes and a secret box for bullying confessions or stories. The following are some of the inside pages made from the forum and the after school program:

Currently I have taken on the role of secretary at ArtsCape and so I also contributed a lot of behind the scene work to the final exhibition. There were many other workshops that happened on the forum day and through after schools programs that lead to the greater end result. These objects created as a whole will be come part of a larger package to take to other schools in the future.
 It was a great opening supported by many of the community and schools. Unfortunately time got away from me and I did not get a chance to post on this while the exhibition was still showing. 

I forgot to take my big camera so an instagram impression of the final outcomes will have to do.

 Pledge banners for the students to sign.

Picasso Inspired Paintings Workshop lead by Jan Suter

Paper cranes workshop lead by Jenny Turner
My final Zines
