Frida Kahlo - Amigurumi Crochet

  I have been hooking again... its been a while.

I think I must be avoiding the great big knitting bag with a half finished sausage dog cardigan in it. 

I have wanted to make a Frida Doll for quite sometime. I spent a good while looking for the perfect pattern on the net. One that seemed just right for me. Sadly I couldn't find the right fit - happily I attempted my own original version. 

I'm fairly new to amigurumi crochet (don't even ask me to attempt to pronounce it out loud) but crochet was one of my first textile pleasures. In my woman cave I rummaged out an amigurumi magazine with a doll pattern in it. That doll pattern I used as my guide for the body and changed it as I went. Under her iconic long skirt there is some proper legs with the cutest pair of shoes. I had to interpret her hair design and imagined some flowers for her hair. 

The most intimidating part was to get her eyebrows just right.  I completed it with some embroidery floss and decided to leave off the lips.
I also added a little shawl to complete the ensemble.

I adore her.

P.S. I made this little rabbit with pearls for the little girl so I could get to keep my Frida Doll all to myself. It worked.
