Back to the creative life

*Final Picture 

Last year, after completing the "Draw through December" challenge, something funny happened.

I got my confidence back. It clicked and I drew my heart out. Liberating.

Recently I ordered a new bed from a local maker. I changed the layout of the bedroom and suddenly there was a huge gaping hole just begging for an art work. Thus began the kick up the butt I needed to complete this work, My beautiful horse.

I bought some nice pens and some lovely think paper and started sketching it out. It just worked. A technique that I had been teaching the students but hadn't revisited myself. Good old basic lines, dots and cross hatching.

I was working towards a deadline of an upcoming exhibition but I still could not work fast enough. Unexpectedly and completely time consuming. Two weeks and many, many, many hours I got it finished enough for display but ran out of time for the framing.

I am currently waiting for a big scanning machine to get fixed in town and then I will have prints of these available. I'll be keeping the original for myself, framed and above my bed.

I want to do more of these. I'm on the hunt for my next subject to pour some passion into.

This photo is in situ at the exhibition.

*In progress