Ellen and Cassie

There are times in your life when you seem to be persuing things left right and centre - then there are times in your life when all your learning and interests come together in some unique way, something you are totally unprepared for. Planning your life to a tee doesn't always allow for the natural flow of things to come forth, but isn't it nice when you finally realise that all has not been in vain. This revelation is a very new experience for me.

Yesterday I had the privileged of making over, styling and photographing this lovely mother and daughter. We had a really great time hamming it up and and I think that one day the daughter may just "get" why her mother made her do this (and that she didn't look like a Grandma).

My first training was as a hairdresser and beauty therapist. I used this trade to support myself through uni. Through Uni I studied the arts, through TAFE I studied graphic design, through personal interest I hoard beautiful retro props... see where I am going here? Some how, just somehow I have managed to pull all these elements together to be able to offer people this experience. I adore the beautiful messages and comments I receive from people and I feel I am truly one of the lucky ones to be able to complete the whole process myself using all of my past learning and personal interests. I am thankful that people are taking an interest and I am thankful I am having fun doing it.

You can see some other pictures here and the full set from yesterday here.


Kylie said…
Hi Michelle, your photos and the ladies in them are beautiful.
I am going to show your story to my youngest daughter - it is very inspiring. We let her leave school early (she hated it and was utterly miserable) and this year she is studying a Diploma of Beauty Therapy. She is so much happier (we are thrilled about this because it was a difficult decision to let her leave) but her real love is chemistry (go figure!)
This will remind her she can still persue her dreams like you did, even if she takes the long way round. Thank you. Sorry for the long comment x
one denim bird said…
Girl you rock ! The photos are so fabulous, it's a credit to all your hard work :-)
naughty shorts! said…
love what you are doing! I was styled and shot at a vintage studio the other day and it was so SO much fun. Hope it goes well for you miss :)
Unknown said…
Well done Michelle, they look great! xx
Tanisha E said…
I absolutely love this shoot. Just my style..

Iliska Dreams said…
Sounds like you have gone on a similar journey as me. Started off as a hairdresser. Studied Bachelor of Arts with a major in Photography. Then went back and did a triple Major of Arts (Art History, Literature Studies and Media Studies). Oh and I am also a vintage lover.